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Next Door

Track Brewing Co.

Regular price $20.50

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Double Dry-hopped WCIPA | 440ml | ABV 7.0%

A collaboration brew with Green Cheek Brewing Company.

We're big fans of Green Cheek here at Track. After making friends with Evan at F&F&B 2019, we brewed a TIPA with them and Highland Park in 2020 called What Could Go Wrong?, our highest-ever rated hop-forward beer.

With our attention firmly fixed on the West Coast at the moment, we're now tackling a West Coast IPA but giving it the DDH treatment (Nelson Sauvin, Nelson Sauvin Cryo, Motueka, Motueka Cryo, Simcoe 702 & Strata). We've loved brewing this style over the past year - combining our favourite parts of the classic West Coast style with modern dry-hopping techniques and doses - and we think this is our best one to date.

A mix of dank strawberry on the nose, pine and grapefruit tickle the tongue, and this gives way to a finish of pithy, juicy citrus fruit that befits a collab with a brewery from Orange, California.

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