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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Electric Sex Pants

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $17.50

Unit price per 

Smoothie Sour | 500ml | ABV 6.0%

“God damn… these crazy, fruit sours!” 

Just in time for Valentine’s, marketing has managed to sidetrack the brewers with a sexy sex potion made just for you! Arouse your senses with risqué raspberry, guava, pineapple and mmmmmango! Oh and a big ol’ whack of milk sugar and creamy vanilla for good measure. 

We can’t confirm this zippy little number will give you the confidence needed to survive the heat of a candlelit boudoir. For that we suggest slacks – they are lighter, airier and less constrictive. 

Damn good job. Damn good, bloody good, damn good job.

Pour: Hazy dark pink
Smell: Mango, raspberry and guava with candied pineapple
Taste: Mango, raspberry and guava with candied pineapple notes atop a vanilla creamy base
Finish: Zippy acidity


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