Amongst The Herd
Triple IPA | 500ml | ABV 10.0%
This beer marks the 500th brew we’ve made. That’s right – 500 beers!
Where did the time go? It feels like a lot, and let’s be honest, we may have lost track of a few along the way… probably best left forgotten. But here we are, and we’re celebrating this massive milestone in classic RR style: with a big, bold, and bitter IIIPA.
We’ve used just enough malt to keep everything in check, then threw in a selection of our favourite hops and hop products to make this beer absolutely pop.
Pour: Light gold clear body with a white head
Smell: Aroma is a real mixture of tropical fruits with pine resin and citrus along with some kiwi diesel and a twinge of musk stick.
Taste: Big and bitter with good bitter linger, slightly warming alcohol but still balanced
Finish: Bitter