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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!

Africa Pale Ale

Shiga Kogen

Regular price $11.50

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Session IPA | 330ml | ABV 5.5%

This is the result of our pursuit of a bitterness that allows you to drink many glasses.

As you know, IPA (India Pale Ale) was made in the old days when there was no refrigeration equipment like we have today, and in order to transport beer from Britain to the colony of India, it was made with a high alcohol content and plenty of hops that have antibacterial properties to make it last longer.

Africa Pale Ale has a hoppy flavour that makes you feel like you might run out of steam somewhere in the seas of Africa on the voyage to India! It is a refreshing and mischievous younger brother of IPA.

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