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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!


Totopia Brewery

Regular price $26.50

Unit price per 

Sour IPA | 500ml | ABV 6.0%

Note: This beer is recommended to keep chilled, do refrigerate as soon as possible upon receiving!

A collaboration brew with Witch Craft Market and Amakusa Sonar Beer.

Made with domestic Pione grapes. This time, we tried adding the puree in a way that is a little closer to their usual Smoothie Sour. It gives the beer a fuller body and improves the mouthfeel. This is a collaboration that adds their experience with Smoothie Sour to Totopia's Sour IPA. The characteristic rich sweetness of Pione is further enhanced by a crisp and refreshing acidity. The vanilla adds a nice accent to the rich flavor of the grapes.

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