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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!


Totopia Brewery

Regular price $25.50

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TDH Hazy IPA | 500ml | ABV 7.0%

We are planning to release a collaboration beer with Monkish Brewing, one of the legendary breweries in Torrance, California, in February, and this is a "pre" collaboration Hazy IPA. It is labeled in the same style as Monkish. Most of the recipe structure is based on their method. However, making beer the same way does not necessarily mean making the same thing, so we made a "pre" version this time to understand Monkish better. A cloudy, rich, and unique mouthfeel with an abundance of fruity aromas and flavors from the extraordinary amount of hops. A rich body with a juicy aroma of mango and peach overflowing from the glass. A rich, flavourful, dank & bitter that continuously permeates the mouth.

Hops: Citra, Chinook & Superdelic

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