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Monthly Special: 15% off Seoul Brewery, Dancing Cider and Heretic!


Alefarm Brewing

Regular price $17.50

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only 3 left in stock

IPA | 440ml | ABV 6.5%

Imitations is an IPA that's been dry-hopped with Strata, Citra and Sabro.

Imitations inspire us with feelings of ambition and admiration, encouraging us to reach for our aspirations, whereas reflections bring introspection, serving as mirrors to our souls. Together they foster a journey of positive growth, discovery and acceptance, aligning our true selves with our external expressions.

Imagine aromas of coconut, light spice and mandarin sherbet. Imagine vivid flavours of tangerine, white currant and lemon zest. And even a touch of sandalwood on the finish? Absolutely! This delightful banger of an IPA packs a robust punch with a 6.5% ABV, slightly higher than our usual offerings.

Imitations delivers a pithy yet creamy texture that’s simply delicious. Perfect for sipping as you unwind or to complement a lively meal. Cheers!

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