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Special: 15% off Rocky Ridge & Cheeky Monkey!

Wipe Me Down

One Drop Brewing Co.

Regular price $17.00

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Cream Smoothie Sour | 440ml | ABV 6.0%

Wipe me down and call me Nancy. Strap in, fam; this is going to be one wild ride. Our lactose-heavy kettle-sour base has received an all-out Liquid Cream™ treatment, with bucketloads of fresh fruit added just before canning. Australian boysenberry juice, with banana and raspberry purée, lay the foundation for lashings of vanilla ice cream powder, lemon meringue whips, and coconut crème. And what's that? A kiss of Canadian maple syrup, you say? Go on, then. A delightful mess all wrapped in an aluminium suit. Wipe it down.

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