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Special: 15% off Rocky Ridge & Cheeky Monkey!

The Pelvis Nitro

One Drop Brewing Co.

Regular price $20.00

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Nitro Imperial Pastry Stout | 440ml | ABV 10.2%

Introducing The Pelvis. It's taking care of business. And by business, we mean lots of adjuncts and lactose. A hip shakin' huge and indulgent Nitro Imperial Pastry Stout with over eight types of specialty malts, an extended boil, and a double dose of all that good stuff. And by good stuff, we mean peanut butter, maple bacon, banana pancakes, and a kiss of chocolate vanilla beans. This thing’s the ambitious V8 engine to a lonely stout’s dream. Pouring nitro thick and creamy with a dark mocha head, The Pelvis invites you to a whole new world of decadence. That is all. Thank you, thank you very much.

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