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Monthly Special: 15% off Revision, Rocky Ridge and Apex!

Rock Juice V14.1

Rocky Ridge Brewing Co.

Regular price $13.50

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Triple IPA | 375ml | ABV 10.0%

A collaboration brew with Dunsborough Cellars and Grain Crus.

It is no secret that we’re always eager to try new products as they hit the market. But many of you might wonder, what’s the difference?

With RJ V14, we have the answer.

We’ve brewed two batches of beer with the same malt base, yeast, and fermentation profile. The difference? This batch uses only hop pellets, while V14.2 used all liquid hop products. We’ve ensured that all additions are equal, so you can make a direct comparison.

Or if you want, combine the two for the ultimate Rock Juice experience!

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