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Special: 15% off Rocky Ridge & Cheeky Monkey!

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Hazy Double IPA | 500ml | ABV 8.5%

Brace yourself for the dark grip of envy. Bracket Brewing welcome you into its shadowy world with an audacious brew that is sure to provoke envy among your peers.

With New Zealand hops leading the way, we’ve ventured into uncharted territory, crafting a brew with rolled and malted oats, rolled and malted spelt (a hulled wheat), and malted tritordeum (a wheat and barley hybrid that is eerily new).

Atop this unique malt base, we’ve bombarded the brew with a blend of New Zealand and US hops, as well as a range of advanced hop products. The result is a mesmerising concoction that transcends boundaries, creating an experience that will haunt your taste buds.

Sip cautiously, for once you experience the intoxicating taste of this Hazy IIPA, you’ll be left craving more, a dark desire that never rests.

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